Gladysdale Primary offers a wide reange of Specialist Subjects.
Our extensive range of Specialist Subjects include:
Patch to Plate
Patch to Plate is Gladysdale Primary School's very own, unique sustainable garden program. The program fosters many of the permaculture principles with links to science, maths, art and literacy.
Patch to plate offers weekly opportunities to introduce pleasurable food education to children in their learning years as well as valuable environmental studies. The sessions aim to educate and engage children in the lifelong appreciation of seasonal, fresh, delicious food.
With plenty of resources and guidance the students participate in a wide range of fun, practical, hands-on kitchen to garden activities. Through these activities students learn about sustainability, mathematics, literacy, geography and more. Through preparing, planting, harvesting and sharing fresh, seasonal produce students gain valuable life skills.
Gladysdale Primary School believes that supporting our students to feel confident with using technology and understanding the vocabulary in this field is essential. Lessons include touch typing, coding, 3D printing, filming and editing and using a variety of presentation programs. Technology use is embedded into various aspects of the curriculum and taught as a separate subject weekly.
During our weekly science lessons, students develop foundational scientific inquiry skills, such as observation, questioning, and prediction. They learn to conduct simple experiments, and investigations, introducing skills in data collection and analysis. Through hands-on activities and experiments, they develop critical thinking abilities and problem-solving skills as they explore the natural world around them.
Performing Arts
At Gladysdale Primary School, Performing Arts is offered to students from Prep to Grade 6. We cover the three elements of Performing Arts – Music, Dance and Drama.
Throughout the year we explore music, dance and drama from around the world, including indigenous performances.
Students are given the opportunity to perform to a range of audiences including their peers, playgroup, assembly and even a broader audience for larger performances such as ‘Gladysdale’s Got Talent’.
Physical Education
Physical Education (PE) is taught weekly at Gladysdale Primary to promote physical health and fitness and develop motor skills. Students are taught a wide range of skills and games that not only support their physical development but their social emotional growth. Our focus is inclusive participation, fair play and dealing with competition positively.
Our students also participate in local sporting events such as Athletic days and interschool sports.
Visual Arts
In our Art classes, students develop a wide range of skills including creativity, self-expression, and art appreciation. Through exploring various artistic mediums such as drawing, painting, sculpture, and textiles students develop their fine motor skills. Art encourages experimentation, risk-taking and problem-solving skills as students navigate artistic challenges and seek innovative solutions.
Respectful Relationships
In our weekly Respectful Relationships lessons, our students learn about relationships, respect and equality, social-emotional health, and values which is crucial for their holistic development and well-being. Through lessons, activities, and discussions, children learn skills such as emotional literacy and regulation, empathy, communication, cooperation, conflict resolution and dealing with stress. Additionally, students explore values such as respect, kindness, honesty, and responsibility, instilling a strong moral compass and promoting ethical decision-making.
Indigenous Studies
Each week during Indigenous Studies, our students learn about the cultural diversity between ourselves, Aboriginal people locally and from the Northern Territory and Torres Strait Islander people. Our students will learn this through looking at different symbols, artworks, stories, musical instruments, plants and bush medicine. We also discuss connection to country and the history of Australian Aboriginals. During the year students will be engaged in activities related to different significant days that we celebrate as part of reconciliation and acknowledgement.
Auslan is the LOTE choice at Gladysdale Primary School. It is the formal study of Australian Sign Language which aims to develop students overall intellectual and social enrichment of language.
When learning Auslan, students learn to produce a range of handshapes, movements and locations of single signs as well as integrating facial expression. Children communicate with their peers, teachers and familiar adults in simple guided interactions that develop interactions. They participate in group learning activities that involve taking turns, playing games, making choices or classifying items.
Throughout the year levels, students use literature and verse to translate, and respond and express their experiences and understanding. They translate familiar words and phrases from Auslan into English and vice-versa, using visual cues, signs and English words, noticing how signs and words differ.